With more and more cruise ships resumed operations after covid-19 under certain conditions, like vaccination, travel history check, ART test must be negative, also the daily body temperature checking is playing an important role during the cruising.
But we should have different temperature monitoring requirements for passengers and crew. for the passengers, before they embarkation, at the cruise terminal, when checking their travel documents, also the system should be able to record their body temperature and isolate those who have an abnormal temperature. During the cruise, a touchless temperature camera should be deployed at main corridors and the entrance of restaurants, theatres to detect and alert those who have a high fever, with or without the passenger to scan their boarding pass, or capture their name or other identification. The Picture will be captured if there is a high fever passenger detected and SOP will be activated by the medical team.

For the crews, twice a day for the temperature checking are enforced, before the crew starts their work, and when they are off the duty from their shift, the temperature monitoring kiosk will be deployed at the crew deck, the card reader is required to capture the crew’s ID and all the information will be sent to PMS or medical system, the timestamp can be sent to HR system for the payroll calculation.

This continuous temperature monitoring system being deployed on a cruise ship, will effectively reduce the risk of cross-infection and minimize the virus spread.