Thermal Screening System solution provider that we are not only set up the system and devices to our clients but also add more value to our system to make it more powerful with extra features and functions that we are working on.

Extra features that we are going to develop for the VONE Thermal Screening System.
1) Crowd control for the restaurant, bar, and theatre. As requested from some cruise operator who has our TSS system deployed, they want has a dashboard display at the entrance of the restaurant or reception, with showing all the occupancy rate for each restaurant, so the crew can guide the passengers to those restaurants that do not have many passengers to keep social distancing policy.

2) Digital Fence for the isolation zone. According to the authorities about the new health protocol, the ship should have an area for quarantine purposes in case there is an outbreak of the virus. With the new technology of the camera, the system can to detect the human in and out of the isolated zone and showing the total count of human in an area, with this feature that we are working on with the TSS, we can setup the whole ship into Green zone, that is for healthy passengers. Yellow zone, that is for suspicious cases, and Red zone, for the confirmed cases.

3) we are also working on with the vendor who produces the bracelet that is able to monitor the human wrist temperature, and sync with VONE TSS in real-time.