The suspected male passenger of Quantum of the Seas, confirmed negative after 3 times of test after disembarkation.

Quantum of the Seas, one of the biggest cruise ship of the world, build in 2014, re-started their operation from Singapore port, Marina Bay Cruise Centre, cruising to nowhere on 1st of Dec that pre-approved by Singapore authorities, after 8 months suspension of sailing.
8th of Dec, a suspected postive case was reported in the midnight when the ship sailing in the international water, and the captain made decision to activate the emergency plan, sail back to Singapore and ask all the passengers remain in the cabin till further notice, the suspected passenger was isolated. During that trip, there are 1680 guests and 1148 crew onboard the ship.
According to the Singapore Tourism Board Director of Cruise, “The Gov has traced all the close contact of the suspected passenger, there is no one tested postive, and for the suspected passenger, after 3 times of virus test in the Singpaore MOH Lab, all negative, so means it was false positive when the ship conducted the test at the midnight.

All the passenger go onboard the Quantum of the Seas, must take the “TraceTogether Token” that distributed by Singapore Government, and “Tracelet” that distributed by Royal Caribbean. If you go to the public place like a restaurant and theatre, present your SeaPass is compulsory as registration before enter the place.
Close contact tracing is very important to fight against the covid19. Singapore Gov has launched the mobile APP, TraceTogether runs on Iphone and Android phone, also distribute the hardware, TraceTogether Token to public. After the suspected positive case found onboard the Quantum of the Seas, it becomes very easy for the authorities to trace back those close contact and keep close to monitoring their healthy status. This will stop the spread of virus at the beginning, extremely reduce the risk of cross infection.

VONE Technology has developed a close contact tracing system and wearable device (TraceBand) especially for cruise operator, it works in offline mode to protect the privacy of passengers and crew, when only it becomes necessary, the authorized team is able to export the data from the TraceBand and generate the list of close contact from VONE TSS system. This module is free as a value added features to our TSS.