Temperature Screening for passengers and crew
All cruise operators need to ensure health and safety if and when they resume the operation in or after the covid19 pandemic. They need effective and easy operation solutions, as temperature checks are ...

New Generation VSAT and Billing system
New Generation VSAT Operating Model with state-of-the-art billing system. The Digital world needs digital access, when the passengers cruise with us, everyone needs access to the internet to share their experiences when staying onboard, and get ...

VCOS TSS structure
After the outbreak of the covid19, measure the human body temperature is one of the effective way to find those who may affected by the virus because one of the symptoms is high ...

New features for VCOD TSS
Thermal Screening System solution provider that we are not only set up the system and devices to our clients but also add more value to our system to make it more powerful with ...

Onboard crowd monitoring and controlling – live status
How to ensure a safe distance between passengers onboard a cruise ship at a public place, like restaurants, bars, and theatre. VONE TSS system will help you to monitor the total passengers at ...

Seacare certified API partner
VPAD A01T smart PDA, an android device come with barcode scanner, qrcode scanner, RFID card reader and infrared sensor for the human forehead temperature measurement. It is very convenient to scan the passenger/crew ...